Rent Assistance

Viewing 11-20 of 93 results (listed by location, Near to Far)

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Churches United in Ministry

We as community churches work together caring for people in emergency situations when their needs exceed their personal resources.

Services: Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Household Goods, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Travelers Assistance, Utility Assistance

215 S. Main

McPherson, KS 67460

(620) 241-8331

City of Ellsworth Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)

Provide rental assistance, security deposit and utility deposit assistance.

Services: Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance

207 N. Kansas Ave

Ellsworth, KS 67439

(785) 472-3348

Community Action - Rent & Utilities

Provides rent and utility assistance to residents of Geary County through Community Action in Topeka.

Services: Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

139 E 8th St, Ste C

Junction City, KS 66441

(785) 238-2117

Community Aid Network

Emergency financial assistance for rent, utilities and emergency prescriptions (like insulin) through the churches in El Dorado.

Services: Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

315 W Central

First Baptist Church

El Dorado, KS 67042

(316) 321-3266

Community Care Ministries - Alma Outreach

We provide non-emergent medical care, social service assistance to include but not limited to assistance with rent, utilities, clothing, limited transportation assistance, as well as food pantry, commodities, and senior commodities to eligible residents of Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee counties.

Services: Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food Pantries, General Counseling Services, Health Insurance Information/Counseling, Household Goods, Legal Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Rent Payment Assistance, Transportation Expense Assistance, Travelers Assistance, Utility Assistance

246 E 9th St

Alma, KS 66401

(785) 321-9600

Community Services-MID-KS CAP

Each Community Support Coordinator assists low-income families as they move to self-reliance, improved income and personal independence.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Case/Care Management, Community Action Agencies, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Personal Financial Counseling, Prejob Guidance, Rent Payment Assistance, Stress Management, Utility Assistance

730 Cliff Dr

Augusta, KS 67010

(316) 775-3000

Comprehensive Emergency Assistance

To build a better community by providing emergency assistance, food programs, education and employment counseling.

Services: Career Development, Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Holiday Programs, Life Skills Education, Meals, Medical Expense Assistance, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

200 S. Kansas Ave.

Topeka, KS 66603

(785) 234-6208

ECKAN - Anderson County Office

Assists low-income residents with emergency assistance needs such as food and job finding assistance.

Services: Case/Care Management, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food Pantries, Holiday Programs, Job Finding Assistance, Local Bicycle Transportation, Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing, Meals, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, School Supplies, Utility Assistance, Weatherization Programs

132 E. 5th St

Garnett, KS 66032

(785) 242-7450 x7651

ECKAN - Coffey County Office

Advocacy, outreach and referral, Case Management, Christmas Outreach, Community Food and Nutrition, Early Head Start, Family Self-Sufficiency Program, Housing Choice Vouchers, RC & D Bicycle Program, School supplies, DCF applications and assistance, Volunteer opportunities, Weatherization applications.

Services: Case/Care Management, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Early Head Start, Head Start, Holiday Programs, Low Income/Subsidized Rental Housing, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Nutrition Education, Rent Payment Assistance, School Supplies, Utility Assistance, Vision Screening, Weatherization Programs

409 Neosho

Burlington, KS 66839

(620) 364-8223

ECKAN - Douglas County Office

Community Action Agency.

Services: Advocacy, Dental Care Expense Assistance, Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Head Start, Holiday Programs, Nutrition Education, Rent Payment Assistance, School Supplies, Transportation Expense Assistance, Utility Assistance, Volunteer Opportunities, Weatherization Programs

2518 Ridge Ct Ste 101

Lawrence, KS 66046

(785) 841-3357

Viewing 11-20 of 93 results (listed by location, Near to Far)
