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Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Counseling Center - El Dorado Clinic

Community mental health center.

Services: Anger Management, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Mental Health Crisis Lines, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Parent Counseling, Psychological Assessment, Sex Offender Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Suicide Counseling, Supported Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation, Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support

524 N. Main

El Dorado, KS 67042

(316) 321-6036

Cowley Workforce Center

Integrated workforce system to address employment needs for both employers and job seekers of South Central Kansas.

Services: Benefits Assistance, Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance, Job Training Formats, WIOA Programs

125 S 2nd

Cowley College, Galle-Johnson Hall

Arkansas City, KS 67005

(620) 441-5313

CPRF Employment Network

Assist people with disabilities who currently receive Social Security disability benefits to obtain employment.

Services: Job Finding Assistance

5111 E. 21st

Wichita, KS 67208

(316) 688-1888

Crawford County Service Center

Helping people with developmental disabilities learn, grown, and aspire to achieve their potential.

Services: Adult Residential Care Homes, Advocacy, Case/Care Management, Disability Related Transportation, Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities, Representative Payee Services, Supported Employment

2928 N. Rouse

Pittsburg, KS 66762

(620) 231-3131

CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness - Chase County

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Parent Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Suicide Prevention Hotlines, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

214 N Cottonwood Ave

Strong City, KS 66869

(620) 343-2211

CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness - Coffey County Office

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Employee Assistance Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, General Crisis Intervention Hotlines, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Suicide Prevention Hotlines, Supported Employment

109 North 3rd St

Burlington, KS 66839

(620) 343-2211

CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness - Greenwood County Office

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Parent Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

905 N. Main Street

Eureka, KS 67045

(620) 343-2211

CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness - Lyon Co El Centro

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Parent Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Suicide Prevention Hotlines, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

310 Commercial St

Emporia, KS 66801

(620) 343-2211

CrossWinds Counseling & Wellness - Lyon Co Sauder Family Center

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Parent Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Suicide Prevention Hotlines, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

1601 State Street

Emporia, KS 66801

(620) 343-2211

Crosswinds Counseling & Wellness - Lyon County Office

CrossWinds is dedicated to providing individuals with the tools they need to better cope with and manage the circumstances of everyday life.

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Anger Management, Assessment for Substance Use Disorders, Case/Care Management, Divorce Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, DUI Offender Programs, Family Counseling, General Counseling Services, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, In Person Crisis Intervention, Juvenile Delinquency Diversion Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Mental Health Screening, Parent Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Suicide Prevention Hotlines, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

1000 Lincoln St.

Emporia, KS 66801

(620) 343-2211

Viewing 41-50 of 357 results (listed by best match)
