Woodlawn Thrift Shop


103 S Baltimore Ave
Derby, KS 67037

(316) 788-1507



The Woodlawn Thrift Shop offers a dignified place for the Derby community to shop for gently-used clean clothing and household items. Donations from members of the church as well as the community at large are sorted and sold by volunteers from Woodlawn and other churches in Derby.

All proceeds from the Thrift Shop stay within the Derby USD 260 school district and are used to help families with utility bills. Money is also given to buy shoes and appropriate clothing for K-12 students through working with the district's social workers. Major donations are also made annually to Operation Back-to-School and Operation Holiday.


9 am - 2 pm Thurs - Sat.

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

November 2, 2022

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

103 S Baltimore Ave
Derby, KS 67037


431 S Woodlawn Blvd
Derby, KS 67037


Jennifer Walker

Primary Contact

Administrative Assistant


Phone Numbers


(316) 788-1507

Legal Status:


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