Chanute Housing Authority


818 S. Santa Fe Suite C
Chanute, KS 66720

(620) 431-7320


To increase the availability of decent, safe, affordable housing in the Chanute community. We ensure equal opportunity in housing through the efforts of a professional, caring, and responsive staff and Board of Directors. Offering rental assistance programs for income eligible individuals and families which include: Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing.


9 am - 4 pm Mon - Fri.

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

October 5, 2021

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

818 S. Santa Fe Suite C
Chanute, KS 66720


818 S Santa Fe Suite C
Chanute, KS 66720


Mikki Herrera

Primary Contact


Phone Numbers

Main Phone

(620) 431-7320


(620) 431-1231


(888) 766-3777

Special Notes/Funding

Public funds.


To increase the availability of decent, safe, affordable housing in the Chanute community. We ensure equal opportunity in housing through the efforts of a professional, caring, and responsive staff and Board of Directors. Offering rental assistance programs for income eligible individuals and families which include: Housing Choice Voucher, Public Housing.


9 am - 4 pm Mon - Fri.


Must meet income criteria.


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Intake Procedure

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Service Area

Chanute community.

Geography Served

    If a location is grayed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete covereage are listed in black.

  • Kansas
    • Neosho County
      • Chanute
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