USD 383 FIT Closet


1609 College Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502

(785) 320-6750


The FIT Closet is the Manhattan-Ogden School District's means of providing many of the necessary essentials (school supplies, clothing, shoes, coats, hygiene products, laundry detergent) so all USD 383 students (pre-K to seniors in high school) can attend class and integrate successfully.


By Appointment Only - in order to provide the safest environment for the families who access our facility and the volunteers who serve here.

Handicap Accessible?


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Date of Official Change:

June 5, 2024

Volunteer Opportunities:

We love adding new volunteers to our team. If no regular/weekly shifts are currently open, our sub roster is always in need of more teammates!

Address Listings


1609 College Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502

Physical (Primary)

1609 College Ave
Manhattan, KS 66502


Jenna Booe

Primary Contact

USD 383 FIT Closet Coordinator

Phone Numbers


(785) 320-6750

Legal Status:


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