ECKAN - Douglas County Office


2518 Ridge Ct Ste 101
Lawrence, KS 66046

(785) 841-3357


Community Action Agency. Programs include: Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance, Community Food and Nutrition, Case Management, Services for Individuals and Families Experiencing Homelessness, School Supplies, Holiday Bureau Adoptions, Warm Hearts, Advocacy, Outreach and Referral, Social Policy Development, Social Service Collaboration, Head Start, Weatherization, Bus Passes, Dental Vouchers, and Volunteer Opportunities. Food bank located at 2518 Ridge Court Ste 101.


9 am - 12 pm 1 - 4 pm, Mon - Fri. Food pantry only open on Mon, Wed, Thurs.

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

July 12, 2024

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

2518 Ridge Ct Ste 101
Lawrence, KS 66046


2518 Ridge Ct
Lawrence, KS 66046


Lillie Okwuone

Primary Contact

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