The Arts Train


715 New Jersey
Lawrence, KS 66044

(785) 842-3797


The Arts Train (TAT) is Van Go!€™s year-round, transitional employment program for young adults, ages 18-24. Designed to engage disconnected youth, TAT serves young people who have barriers to employment and educational attainment including, but not limited to: living in poverty, mental health diagnosis, aging out of foster care, pregnancy or parenting, court involvement, homelessness, or lacking a high school diploma. These youth often fall through the cracks and TAT provides paid employment, employability skills training and comprehensive wraparound services, all aimed at addressing their identified barriers, setting attainable goals and preparing participants for successful employment, educational attainment and self-sufficiency. The Arts Train provides nine months of paid, on-site job training followed by a paid, community-based internship matched with their career interests or skill set to help these young adults successfully transition to independence.


8:30 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri.

Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

November 2, 2023

Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

715 New Jersey
Lawrence, KS 66044


PO Box 153
Lawrence, KS 66044


Kristen Malloy

Primary Contact

Director of Programs

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