Community Chaplain Response Team, Inc. (CCRT)


209 S. Pine
Newton, KS 67114

(316) 416-1065


C.C.R.T. provides emotional and spiritual care to first responders, disaster relief services to the community, peer mentoring for reintegration and recovery to those being released from incarceration, and collaborates with other non-profits in prevention efforts to create a healthier community. We work with the community with Suicide Awareness through prevention and education. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please call 9.8.8.


10 am - 4 pm Mon - Thurs.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Date of Official Change:

October 23, 2023

Address Listings


209 S. Pine
Newton, KS 67114

Physical (Primary)

209 S. Pine
Newton, KS 67114

Legal Status:

Private, Non-Profit

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