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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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ACCL Utility Fund-Chanute, KS ONLY

Assistance with a utility bill, prescriptions or rent one time per year.

Services: Prescription Expense Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

Wagon Wheel Real Estate - Alley Entrance

1530 S Santa Fe

Chanute, KS 66720

(620) 212-3888

Affordable Housing Help

MHC receives a grant every year to help low-income families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Services: At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs, Housing Search and Information, Moving Services, Rental Deposit Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance

1826 14th Ave

McPherson, KS 67460

(620) 241-7828

Angels in the Attic

Serving all of Cowley County using local leadership and local resources.

Services: Case/Care Management, Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food Pantries, General Clothing Provision, Holiday Programs, Household Goods, Household Goods Donation Programs, Prescription Expense Assistance, Records/Licenses/Permits Fee Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, School Supplies, Thrift Shops, Utility Assistance

410 S Summit

Outreach Center

Arkansas City, KS 67005

(620) 506-7377

Barton County Emergency Aid Association

Emergency help with rent and utilities (must have eviction or shut-off notice).

Services: Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

3007 10th St

Great Bend, KS 67530

(620) 793-3345


Emergency pregnancy service.

Services: Baby Clothing, Diapers, Formula/Baby Food, Maternity Clothing, Pregnancy Counseling, Pregnancy Testing, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

1125 E. Iron Ave

Salina, KS 67401

(785) 823-3113

Catholic Charities of Hays

Provide individual, marital, couple and family counseling, crisis pregnancy services, and adoption services.

Services: Adoption Services, Debt Management, Disaster Recovery Services, Divorce Counseling, Family Counseling, Food Pantries, General Counseling Services, Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services, Marriage Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Personal/Grooming Needs, Pregnancy Counseling, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

122 E 12th St

Hays, KS 67601

(785) 625-2644

Catholic Charities of Manhattan

Provide counseling and therapy, adoptions and home studies, predatory debt relief, disaster relief services, immigration hispanic services, financial coaching, emergency rent and utility assistance.

Services: Debt Management, Diapers, Disaster Recovery Services, Divorce Counseling, Formula/Baby Food, General Counseling Services, Household Goods, Immigration/Naturalization Legal Services, Marriage Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Personal/Grooming Needs, Pregnancy Counseling, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

212 S. 4th St Ste 120

Manhattan, KS 66502

(785) 323-0644

Catholic Charities of Southeast Kansas Services

Southeast Kansas Services at Catholic Charities provides assistance as a means of keeping people in their homes while guiding families towards goals that meet their daily needs.

Services: Case/Care Management, Housing Counseling, Personal Financial Counseling, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

1005 E. Jefferson St.

Pittsburg, KS 66762

(620) 235-0633

Catholic Charities Resource Bus

To offer stabilization services to individuals and families in our 15 county service area (rural communities) - (Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas) through case management, food assistance and the distribution of hygiene/household items with the goal of helping them work toward strengthening themselves and their families.

Services: Case/Care Management, Food Pantries, Housing Search and Information, Personal/Grooming Needs, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

St. Catherine's Catholic Church

205 South Lawrence

Emporia, KS 66801

(913) 433-2039

Center of Hope Homeless Prevention Assistance Program

TEMPORARY CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19: Due to the COVID-19 virus we are only doing phone interviews at this time.

Services: Mortgage Payment Assistance, Rent Payment Assistance, Utility Assistance

1100 E 1st St

Wichita, KS 67202

(316) 267-0222

Viewing 1-10 of 93 results (listed by best match)
